Driving Contrary to a Limited licence
This video is about driving contrary to a limited licence, what the penalties are, and what options you have to save your licence
If you've been charged with driving contrary to a limited licence in New Zealand, it's crucial to understand the implications and your options. This offence occurs when you drive outside the terms of the licence granted to you. It's often confused with driving while disqualified, as the paperwork might interchangeably use these terms. However, both fall under the same section, section 32, of the Land Transport Act.
The Consequences
The main issue with driving contrary to a limited licence is that if you're found guilty or plead guilty, you cannot obtain another work licence. Moreover, if you're still using that work licence, it should be cancelled immediately. This could potentially leave you off the road for a long time.
How to Respond
If you're facing this charge, it's essential to get in touch with a legal professional as soon as possible. There are ways of saving your licence, but if the situation isn't dealt with properly, the consequences can be severe.
The first step is to assess whether there's a not guilty plea or a way of defending the charge. The next thing to consider is special reasons relating to the offence. Another option is to see if you're eligible for community work rather than further disqualification. The benefit of this is that it can save your current licence, as typically, if they grant community work, they will not cancel your current licence.
Additional Considerations
Another issue with this charge is the court's mandatory order to confiscate your vehicle permanently. This is something not a lot of lawyers tell people about. If you want to look it up, it's section 129 of the Sentencing Act. They actually take your car right off your court, sell it at the auctions, and then give you whatever money is left over. Of course, there are ways of saving your car, but it requires some paperwork.
Reach Out for Help
If you're facing this charge, don't hesitate to seek legal advice. Feel free to get in touch with a legal professional to discuss your options. Remember, the sooner you act, the better your chances of mitigating the consequences. You can Phone me on 021488367 or 0800 BUSTED (0800287833) or email me.