Traffic not guilty
This video is about the process of pleading not guilty in a traffic case - or whether that is actually the best way to 'win' your case. There are other ways to save your licence which may take less time at less cost such as a limited licence or community work.
Pleading Not Guilty in a Traffic Case: Understanding New Zealand Law
If you're facing a traffic charge in New Zealand, such as drink driving, dangerous driving, or driving while disqualified, you might consider pleading not guilty. However, it's important to understand the process and implications of this decision, as well as other potential options for saving your license.
The Process of Pleading Not Guilty
When you plead not guilty, your case will usually go to a preliminary hearing first to ensure all parties have the necessary evidence. Then, it proceeds to the actual hearing with a judge.
During the hearing, the police prosecutor and the officer who charged you, along with any other witnesses, will present their evidence first. You and your lawyer have the opportunity to challenge this evidence. If you can't get the charge dismissed at this point, you can decide whether to take the stand and tell your side of the story.
The Risks of Pleading Not Guilty
If you win the hearing and the judge cannot accept beyond a reasonable doubt that you're guilty, the case is over, and you walk. However, if you're found guilty, you're looking at a more serious penalty than if you had pleaded guilty early on.
Despite this, it's important to note that even if you're found guilty, there are still ways to save your license. You're still eligible for a work license, community work in lieu of disqualification, and special reasons.
Defining "Winning" Your Case
When considering how to "win" your case, it's crucial to define what winning means to you. Going through a defended hearing can cost you a lot of time and money, and it may require time off work. If your primary goal is to save your license, there might be an easier way to achieve that.
Reach Out for Help
If you're facing a traffic charge and are worried about your license or considering defending it, don't hesitate to get in touch with me. You can Phone me on 021488367 or 0800 BUSTED (0800287833) or you can email me. I can provide more information about limited licenses and help you navigate this process.